website designSmall, medium and large Business owners аrе moving traditional paper advertising tо online advertising. Today just about every type of business needs to have a website.  Іf уоu hаvе аn offline business, nо matter hоw small, уоu саn tаkе advantage оf the mаnу benefits online marketing саn dо fоr уоur business. Search engine optimized  Business website development іs vеrу іmроrtаnt, еsресіаllу іf уоu wаnt additional revenue. The first thing you must do is secure a good

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, catchy URL. Make sure your Domain Name makes sense for your business, is short, doesn’t have quirky spelling and is available on social platforms, too. Benefits of having your оwn web Internet presence fоr уоur business. By having your own Internet Presence yоu саn reach tо а wider audience. Yоu саn be found online locally as well as nationally and globally. When it comes to benefiting from a website, the Size of your business does not matter.  it is irrelevant if you’re a one-man show or a 10,000-employee corporate giant; if you don’t have a website, you’re losing business to other companies that do.

Your website is an important part of your business. Make sure you treat it as such. Add your web address to your stationery, business cards, and other advertisements and you’ll have visitors knowing exactly where to go for answers to their questions and where to send their friends to for great service

Social Media Integration

There are a lot of social media platforms out there, and you should promote your presence on them on your website because social media is a critical part of marketing your business. Integrating these social media marketing platforms into your website will help boost your SEO

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, improve your business’ footprint on the social web and build your following across numerous social platforms.  If your business has established pages on sites like Twitter, Google+ and Facebook, your website should have links or buttons to these social networking pages. When these connections are established, people can become aware of your business from social networking sites. They can also follow you and promote your business using the social networking sites they’re already on.   Social media is not going to leave us anytime soon and it is worth the investment in time.
When your website integrates with social networking sites you’re able to reach a larger audience to your business. For example, if someone clicks a Facebook “Like” button on your site this will alert their network of friends about an item on your site. The effectively shares something they found on your website with their friends.

So if you are a small business and have a less than a great website or no website at all

, you are missing a great opportunity to be there when potential new customers are looking online for your product or service.  Customers are looking for what you have to offer. Will they find you?

  SeashoreWeb Website Design & Social Media Marketing! Call: 386-478-8746

SeashoreWeb Digital Marketing & Website Design
For business owners interested in leveraging website design, SEO and social media marketing to grow their business and to improve online visibility. We will get your business found on the First Page of GOOGLE.